Readers & Healers

Stephanie Shea


Due to the COVID-19 situation we are Not doing in person readings. Stephanie will be available by Phone or Video Online (ZOOM, Skype, Google Hangouts, Facetime & What’s App) Whether you’re getting a reading over the phone or online video chat Stephanie will record the session and email you an audio .mp3 file of your reading to refer to later. Her schedule will be flexible and based on her availability.

 Stephanie’s readings will help you to discover the tools you were born with to help you on your life path. Do you have questions about specific areas of life such as career, love, family, or finances? Depending on your question, Stephanie will hone in on the planets and/or transits that relate directly to your question. You’ll receive relevant, practical information that can help you to make the most of available astrological energies.

Stephanie combines astrological knowledge with intuition as part of her practice, but she strongly believes that an astrology reading is not fortune telling. Instead she sees it as a way to discover the “tool kit” you were born with, and part of a helpful process to become aware of what works best for you in life. She can guide you towards the methods and timing that will help you move towards your goals. If the current astrology presents upcoming challenges, Stephanie will offer tips about how to work with the energy for best results. It’s her goal to leave people feeling excited about their birth chart and empowered to navigate their upcoming astrological transits.

Stephanie received her initial training with Emily Trinkaus, completing an apprenticeship program through Emily’s Alcyone School for Engaged Astrology. From 2012 to mid-2016, she had the great honor of working for and studying under internationally-renowned astrologer, Jan Spiller. Since Jan’s passing in July 2016, Stephanie has been writing the horoscopes, forecasts and articles for as well as a monthly column called, “The Astrological Edge,” for Dell Horoscope magazine. She also provides astrological information on her blog,

Jan Spiller’s many books, including “New Moon Astrology,” “Astrology for the Soul,” “Cosmic Love,” and “The Astrology of Success,” are highly recommended if you are interested in learning more about astrology and working with the planets to achieve your goals! 

1 hour birth chart reading for individuals – $100. 
1/2 hour birth chart reading for individuals – $60.

1 hour compatibility reading for couples – $150.
1/2 hour compatibility reading for couples – $85. 

Availability: Mondays and also by Special Appointment other days

Please either call us at 503-528-1430 or email to make your appointment with Stephanie


Psychic Medium

Joshua-John connects with those who have passed and brings messages from the otherside. While connecting with your Angels, Spirit Guides and energy to bring you information that you are needing to hear at this moment.Joshua has conducted readings all over the US with 7 years of doing radio, large group readings 880 people being the most, and private  1-on-1s.

30 minutes – $65
45 minutes- $100

1st and 3rd Mondays of every month  12:30 to 7:00pm


Please call (503) 528-1430 or Email  to schedule an appointment.



Palm Readings with Jane Roberts

This is a Modern Hand Reading! Hand Analysis is an amazing and accurate self-assessment tool that can determine one’s Life Purpose and Life’s Challenges. Your fingerprints provide you with a more direct look into yourself than any other system of self discovery in existence today. “Life’s Missing Instruction Manual” finally discovered! Come discover how your life is literally in your very own hands. Certified Hand Analyst, Jane Roberts, can interpret the map of your soul.

What Jane wants for each client she works with is to help them clearly see why certainl experiences always come into their lives and the “lesson” is within those patterns of experience.

When a client sees the bigger picture their hands show as active in their lives, hand analysis brings to each person a fresh empowerment to deal with life with renewed understanding. A person with the tools hand analysis gives them permanently has an “Owner’s Manual” to take charge of their past, present, and future experiences!

A practicing Hand Analyst (Palm Reader) with professional public service since 2011, Jane Roberts serves others with passion, integrity, and joy. Using the database of this scientific system and her gift of institution, she is thrilled to share this adventure with every client.

*Sessions include keepsake prints of both hands- a valuable tool, as when we make changes, our hands change and reflect those changes as well. Fascinating! Right?!

Rates: $75- 30 minutes

$95- 45 minutes

$120- 1 Hour

Schedule: Available  1st Saturdays of the month, 11:00am-6:00pm

Other times by Special Appointment


Please call (503) 528-1430 or Email  to schedule an appointment.

RIP Diana Bober

Diana Bober Found 9/10/18

It is with a heavy heart that I share the sad news of the demise of Diana Bober.  Diana has shockingly made history by being the 1st person killed by a cougar in Oregon.  OMG! She has been part of our HWSS family since June of 2015 offering her unique style of combining Astrology and Tarot in one reading. She was extraordinary in her vast abilities as a proficient Reader that deeply cared for her client’s well-being. You may or may not have seen the local news reporting on her being missing since August 29th with no real idea of her whereabouts other than guessing that she was on one of her beloved hikes which was the case. She greatly loved Nature as you can see in this beautiful photo of her and spent 100s of hours hiking usually solo. The last time that I had seen her was on August 3rd and we shared as usual her countless breathless Nature photos of past hikes. It does my heart good to know that at our parting I gave her a big hug and told her that I loved her. Life is fragile! She will be greatly missed!

BIO: Diana had been reading Tarot and Astrology professionally for over thirty years. She’s read in New York, L.A., Las Vegas, Jackson Hole, and had happily found home in the vital city of Portland. Diana had been the Astrology and Tarot writer for the web magazine, That, and wrote articles for the hard-copy magazine, Country Music Today, and is the author of Diana’s Astrological Combinations- a book on how mothers match up with their children. She’s read at a number of reputable metaphysical stores throughout the U.S., but found Healing Waters & Sacred Spaces exceptional.

Diana helped clients discover the right solution to their dilemmas- or let them know what was going to happen, and that they were on the right track. Diana had a talent with helping clients with career choices and shed light on the intents and desires of their loved ones to improve relationships- of all kinds. She did in-depth Astrological chart readings including what planets currently were an influence and how to use the energy wisely. Diana predicted the future accurately, but if the result was unfavorable, she found a better path to success and happiness for her client.  Together with her clients they connected to what is and what can be through Tarot and Astrology and made it happen.




Laura Clarson


Laura Clarson began her career as a professional astrologer in 1971 in Dallas, Texas and added Tarot card reading to her practice in 1981. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and has done graduate work in counseling. She moved to the Pacific Northwest in 1992 where she continues her intuitive guidance work.

She has taught both astrology and Tarot and is the author of “Tarot Unveiled: The Method to Its Magic” and “The Cosmic Tarot: Signposts Along the Path.” Laura has studied Jungian psychology, Theosophy, Alice Bailey’s “Esoteric Astrology”, Numerology, Homeopathy, Bach flower essences, and both Eastern and Western metaphysics and incorporates these areas of expertise into her readings. Continue reading Laura Clarson

Memorie OV Eden

Psychic Oracle and Tarot Readings

Memorie ov Eden (they/she) is a Psychic Oracle, Tarot Slinger, and Animist Spirit Whisperer, practicing on the unceded lands of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Mollala, aka Portland, OR. Since childhood they have been able to retain the capacity to sense beyond the domination-based programming of the Anthropocene into the Great Mystery, this emergent tapestry of spirit and matter. As per their ancestors, their life has been dedicated to focusing all clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and body-intelligence to helping people locate and weave lost or tangled threads back into the greater tapestry. To sense and play with this secure and incorruptible belonging, this human birthright, is to cultivate an assemblage of being that is capable of meeting whatever arises in life and death with creative playfulness, equanimity, and loving kindness. 

In order to work with people in an improvisational, intimate, and intuitive manner, Memorie is committed to keeping their own physical, mental, emotional, and psychic vessels as clear as possible. They are not a teacher in the traditional sense. There is no dogma, no specific belief system, or identification that Memorie utilizes repetitively in this work. As a holder of the Oracle Archetype, it is their intention to maintain a state of, No Mind, Divine Void, Or Womb of Potentiality, in order to let the information from the Great Mystery move through them and communicate with you. As a spirit and life ways Guide, they are able to translate and unpack what information comes through the Oracle in a very practical, intelligent, and loving manner. Between the two poles of Oracle & Guide, Memorie is able to midwife people through all manner of life experience and thresholds.


FYI: Due to COVID-19 situation there will be No in person readings but Memorie is available by Phone or Online.
COVID-19 Schedule- Monday- Friday  1:00pm to 7:00pm / Saturday & Sunday- 3:00pm to 7:00pm%MCEPASTEBIN%


$77- 30 minutes
$133 – 60 minutes
$188 – 90 minutes

Longer sessions can be arranged. Please inquire.

Usual Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm-7pm
4th and 5th Saturdays 1pm-6pm
Other times By Special Appointment

Please call (503) 528-1430 or Email  to schedule an appointment.

Terry McGill

TerryTerry – Akashic Records & Quan Yin Readings

Due to the COVID-19 situation we will Not be seeing people in person. Terry will be available for Quan Yin Readings by Phone or Online with a more flexible schedule 

Terry McGill started channeling spontaneously in 1987 but it was his training through the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment that greatly expanded his ability to do Readings and also opened his Third Eye. After three years of this intensive training and testing, Terry was certified as a Divine Direct Soul Communicator. In January 2012 he received a transmission from Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha that enabled Terry to Read the Akashic Records at the Divine level.

Terry saw an image of Quan Yin in his mind in 1979, long before he knew anything about her.  Several years after he began to read the Akashic Records, she began to appear and offer healing blessings and speak through him.  Quan Yin has now asked Terry to bring messages to those in need, through channelings here at Healing Waters and Sacred Spaces.  We are grateful that Terry will bring the voice and heart of the Goddess of Compassion to you here, especially because as you may know, Quan Yin is the Patron of this store.  Terry McGill receives rave comments and tearful gratitude from those who have Akashic Record Readings with him. You can now also receive a Quan Yin channeling.

Register by Monday for a Tuesday Reading with Terry

Tuesdays from 12noon-3pm
Other days may be possible by special appointment

$125 for 60 minutes,